Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Spring!

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I am writing this while sitting at the office (alone and social distancing). The COVID19 era is a strange and unknown time. We are focusing on our patient’s health and how to safely re-emerge when the time is right.

The team and I are very concerned about the damage that this quarantine will have on the oral health of our patients. Our primary focus is how to make sure that we are SAFE to do dentistry so we can take care of all those important smiles.

As always, we are open for emergency dental phone calls and we will help you through this difficult time in the best way that we can. We will continue to provide updates as soon as we know them.

For whatever you celebrate, we hope you are healthy and with your family. Happy Easter, Happy Chanukah, Happy Spring,

-Dr. Van and the entire team at Newton Pediatric Dentistry.

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