Newton Pediatric Dentistry was created to be a welcoming and positive kids dental practice for all children, from infancy through the teen years. We are a team made up of individuals who love working with young people to help steer them towards happiness and healthiness. As soon as you walk into Newton Pediatric Dentistry, you’ll feel a warmth and friendliness that will make your kids feel right at ease with the whole experience of going to the pediatric dentist.

Our philosophy is grounded in the idea of prevention. Through regular exams, identifying risk, and developing strong healthy habits, we do our best to stop troublesome dental issues. This includes consistent thorough dental home care. We understand our role as health professionals to motivate and educate our patients, tailoring plans to their individual needs.

In the big picture, our aim is to foster patients with a positive view of pediatric dentistry. Good experiences as a child at the pediatric dentist can create a lifetime of favorable outcomes. We ask that you join us in focusing on the positive aspects of pediatric dental care so that we can all join together in creating happy patients with a great attitude towards their oral health.